
They Switched Days On Me!!

Yesterday was a COMPLETE surprise to me! It wasn't Sunday, there was no full moon, there wasn't any wind, it was just a nice Saturday, or so I thought. The day started off nicely. I came in to find this cute little gift above waiting for me. Kate had found it while she was out "junking" the other day and remembered seeing pictures of my bedroom. How thoughtful is that?? And I have to tell you a quick story. I was taking pictures out in the garden, and I hear a little voice counting, "1, 2, 3 " and so on until I hear, "ready or not, hear I come". It was Kate's little girl, Gracie, who is just precious as is Kate's husband Bob! I kind of wondered at first what Bob was doing crawling behind a gazebo in the garden, but you know, it's Country Roads, so we just roll with it. He was playing hide and seek with Gracie. It was one of those moments that just warms your heart. THAT was the good part of the day. And then, out of no where at all, it turned into "BSC" Saturday! What happened? We prepare ourselves to be tortured on Sundays, not Saturdays, it was shocking! I should have known it was beginning when I left the garden to walk back up to the counter. As some of you know, when we get busy at Country Roads, the aisles get really crowded and it's hard to pass people. I was walking behind this old guy and his wife, and thankfully as he stopped and started going "ah, ah, ah", I was able to pass by him. Then I heard the sneeze followed by the sound of, well, "passing gas loudly"! It just kept getting worse, and worse after the farting incident. Stuff was falling and breaking all day long. And each thing that fell got louder and louder with the last being a big glass lamp that made a really loud crash as it fell. The customers had basically, "exploded" our public bathroom so badly that I had to lock it and hide the key! Don't worry, I didn't take pictures of that!! The last customers of the day are really very nice people with really uncontrollable kids, three kids and a baby. All totally out of control! It took us forever to close. At work, Katie had asked me if I want to have some BBQ salmon that Vinnie was cooking. I declined thinking about a piece of red velvet cake I had bought a few days ago, and started dreaming of that and a cold Corona. As I was driving home, I remembered I didn't have any Corona, so I made my pregnant daughter go in the liquor store and buy my beer! That's what kids are for, right? I briefly went into Katie's house as Riley decided she would first hug me, and then wipe her nose all over my shirt. I guess that is what grandkids are for, wiping snot on Gramma! With that, I left. Unloaded the car, brought in the mail, and saw the new Romantic Homes was out. And Clara's house (Marcela's sister) was featured. I couldn't wait to sit down with a cold beer, red velvet cake and my magazine! Then tragedy struck! After the long busy, busy "BSC" Saturday, I knew it wasn't over yet! This happened! I was putting away the beer away in the refrig, and suddenly it just JUMPED off the counter, I swear, it JUMPED! I won't tell you what I said really loud, but I wasn't happy. Not only did some beer bottles break, it went all over my shoe and jeans. Dandy, just dandy! Now, I have to pick up broken glass, sweep, vacuum and then semi mop that part of the floor. Finally I get my cake, my beer, and my magazine. I'm ready to go in my office and run off postcards for Bryce who is doing the Long Beach Flea Market today. It's okay, I like to work around the clock. So, as I'm doing THAT, I happened to glance over at Leonard! Leonard had made the decision that HE, not ME, deserved a cold Corona! This cat is as old as dirt, but for some reason, he likes beer. I don't offer it up, as in "here kitty, kitty, here's your beer", Leonard just steals it when he can! I grab the bottle away from the lush cat, and go wipe it off. No, I'm not wasting a whole beer because of a few cat cooties! Cats have clean little mouths, right? I know what you are thinking so I won't say it!After cleaning off my beer bottle, I walked back into my office, and I guess Leonard had a bit more to drink than I thought! Damn cat!! And hey, lets have a "shout out" to "my boy Bryce" who woke me up at 3:45 AM to ask me a question before he left to sell at the Long Beach Flea Market this morning! Not a good start for "BSC" Sunday! Let's just hope that all the "BSC" customers were out yesterday, not today. I don't think I can handle another day like yesterday. Oh, I just remembered my first job of the day is cleaning up the public bathroom that they "blew up" yesterday. Wish me luck!!


  1. Since you like words, here are some for you before you start, what I hope, it will be an easier Sunday:

    "Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be"
    ~Grandma Moses~

  2. Great words Marcela, and the one thing I have to say about BSC they always do give us something to talk about and in some cases, laugh about!

  3. Hi Sue,
    Thanks for sharing your horendous day with us. I was at Country Roads yesterday afternoon when my mother began to feel lightheaded and weak, so we had to leave quickly, but not before I had to locate my sister who was somewhere else in your store. I called my sister, but we were not connecting on the phone, so I was frantically walking up and down the numerous, but wonderful, isles calling out her name. I think your other customers thought I was delerious. My sister finally got a hold of me by phone and told me she was standing up front with our mother. Go figure. I think there was a full moon or something mysterious in the air yesterday also. Anyway I hope your BSC "the 2nd" is a humerous and easy one. Good luck today,

  4. That is why you are my bff, girl...your life kinda goes like mine! Nothing is easy! But if we can't laugh, we would cry alot! Must I tell you how hard your post made me laugh today? I read it to Lurch and he laughed too! Good job, Sue! I think you could avoid a lot of problems by giving Leonard a bowl of beer every night. He is old and deserves it and he won't always be drinking your beer! C'mon, give it a try! There is a bar here in Texas that allows you to bring your dog in and they give every dog a bowl of beer! No, people, I don't want any emails about animal rights. I am an animal lover and I think our pets have rights...like a bowl of beer! :)

  5. I hope this isn't a two-for-one weekend! I'll be back to find out.

    Fingers are crossed!

  6. Mal and Sue, May I join your Nothing-is-easy Club?


  7. ABSOLUTELY! Because you rock Cher, and you REALLY "get" how nothing is easy. You take care my friend!

  8. Sue, you made up this story to make us all laugh, right! I know it would be too hard to make this up. Hope your Sunday was better and SSSSSSOOOOOOO wish you were coming to Texas. I heard one of your crew was already shopping in Texas this past weekend, hmmm, wonder who it could be? BTW, that cat is too cute!

  9. leonard knows a good thing when he sees it. you go, boy!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!