

Yesterday afternoon, after "the store" closed, we went over to the park to celebrate Arianna's fourth birthday. Where does the time go? What makes a "real" family? Is it "blood" or "heart"? My family is made up by those I love, those that hold a place in my "heart"!! These are my grandbabies above, from left to right, Azul, Riley, Josalyn, and the birthday girl, Arianna. Morgan was too little to sit at the picnic table with the rest of her family, but she will be sitting up there next year, as Aunt Brande will probably be holding her new nephew! As most of you know by now, I have known Carol and Yesi forever, I consider them "my" kids as well. These two sisters are such beautiful, loving, and caring people. I am so blessed they are a part of my family. I have no words that can convey that feeling in writing. Azul and Ari are Carol's kids, and Josalyn is Yesi's little girl. What I LOVE about Josalyn is that she always has her own since of style, as you may notice the "hat on hat" attire! When it comes time to blow out the candles, I love how every camera and every other electronic device is pulled out, and how the excitement level rises! Here are a few other random pictures of my family celebrating Arianna's fourth birthday!

We all watch these little ones grow and I truly treasure these moments because I sadly know it will pass so fast. Life is crazy at times, and it is always nice to step outside of it and spend it celebrating with "family". And thank you to all our wonderful Country Roads customers yesterday. You were the best, except the one woman who was totally confused and thought she was still at a flea market! Happy Spring to you all!!


  1. Sue,
    You truly have a gift of building beautiful families. It's quite apparent at Country Roads the love and the bond that is shared throughout everyone. Have a wonderful day!!!

    Love Kate

  2. All the kids look so cute! What a fun way to finish a crazy retail day!

  3. you don't have to have the same bloodlines to be family...family is in the heart and sole...

  4. Families are built by a joining of hearts...not blood and that's why yours is so big...that big ol' heart of yours!
    I just love a girl who knows her style...love the hat on hat!
    Speaking of style...did you see the photo of Bella in the outfit you sent her. Jenn dressed her in it for her birthday party and OMG...she was beautiful. You are amazing and I cannot wait for us to meet sometime.

    BTW...Cat Daddy saw Tim yesterday!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!