
A Sunny Saturday

My babies are growing so fast. Hard to believe in a little over a week, Morgan will be 10 months old already. She's at a fun age especially with how much she changes each day. Justine took her over to the park the other day near our house. Morgan loved it as you can tell by the look on her face. Finally, the little pink car Morgan has had forever got put together, and now Morgan enjoys cruising around the neighborhood checking things out. It was time for a break. Morgan sat patiently watching the ducks in the distance, the trees and other kids. Morgan can be so mellow at times and then when she is ready for a change, she turns into her daddy! Bryce has no patience, and Morgan at times gets like that and has no problem letting you know about it! I love just watching her when she discovers new things. The way her little hands picks them up and examines stuff at every angle and most likely after that it goes straight to her mouth!! I love how little kids when they are swinging love to look down and find their feet! Just something about little ones on the swings that warms my heart. Seeing Morgan at the park reminds me of an "incident" many years ago at the El Dorado duck pond. I had just dropped off Brande at pre-school and took Katie and Bryce over to see the ducks. Katie wasn't quite two years old, and Bryce was still a baby. One of those damn geese started chasing us. I'm running towards the car with the stroller, which of course my boy Bryce enjoyed. Katie on the other hand, is under my arm SCREAMING at the top of her lungs! I got them both in my old car. It was a old Toyota Celica that sat kind of low to the ground. And that damn goose went over to Katie's side of the car and started pecking on the window! I don't think Katie as been back to that duck pond since!! I've had a week of getting to spend time with my little girls! I am very grateful for that time because I do know that they grow so, so fast. And I'm one of the lucky ones to have my grandkids in my life daily, and I am always so thankful for that. So, with that said, I best prepare to head out to "the store" (our reference to Country Roads). It's a sunny Saturday, and I just KNOW our customers will be in happy, cheerful moods! I hope.


  1. Hopefully not a BSC Saturday!

    That last picture is so cute!

  2. have fun....what part of California are yall in?

  3. Hi Sue,
    Adorable as always .. Could eat them right up !! So good to see you at the store today, and hopefully you had a wonderful day at work, and can go home and just RELAX ~
    Hugs ~tanza~

  4. Sweet, sweet little Morgan! I hate ducks that chase you! They are friggin' scary! I don't blame Katie for never going back there!


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