
My Texas/Cali Connection

It's always been interesting to me, this Texas/California connection I have. I think it has to do with my mom being born and raised in Texas. I would like to say that I took some of these pictures at the Leftovers party, but as you know, I'm here working hard at Country Roads. I hoping to one day soon to get myself to Texas! But for now, I live through pictures. Above is one special lady, Debbie, aka "Trash". She is the Gramma to little Bella, the strongest little fighter I've ever seen, who just turned one year old. I love this picture of Debbie, she looks so cute and happy. People are always fascinated with Tim's hair! Remember the old little troll dolls from the sixties or seventies? There are days Tim's hair is just like that! I'm not sure "why" this lady was measuring Tim's head? !Then I saw this picture, and if I was Tim, I would have someone watch my back, as his head may be joining the most gruesome, frightening table of doll heads I've ever seen in a long time. I HATE these things, they scare the crap out of me!Here we have the world famous Theresa, with our Gloria. Theresa is like the roving blog reporter in the state of Texas. She is always visiting new shops, shows, and all her other favorite vintage places. I personally think that Theresa should dish out some of the dirt that goes on in these establishments (come on, we all know about the DRAMA in the junkin' biz) and Theresa could do like a "Junkin National Enquirer". Theresa, come on girl, I think there is some BIG bucks here, think about it!! Here's Tim again, probably being treated like a "boy toy" as he poses with the perfect hat.Did "ya'll"(I'm trying to get your language down) put him in a corner as well. We all know how Tim loves to talk, so please, he can where the hat, but let the boy talk!! And lastly, one of the tables at the Leftovers party! To all my Texas friends, please make sure my Country Roads family behaves themselves, okay? And thank you Gloria for the pictures!


  1. I loved this........now pass me those clippers and let's GO TO TOWN.

  2. Texas looks like great shopping........that's Tim for you.

  3. I am from CA too. My daughter lives in TX and the next time I visit. I hope to meet Tresesa and Debbie. I am not buying my ticket to TX unless I know I can meet with them...sandi


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