
Vintage Stuff Calls My Name

I don't know what it is about some of this old vintage stuff we get attached to. These "boy dress forms", or whatever you would choose to call them, were screaming out to me this past Saturday! Then one sold right after I took that picture. So, of course, I had to have the other one, but what would I do with it? It joined my other naked bodies I've purchased at Country Roads. The newest one has an old rash guard Bryce use to where when he would surf a bit when he was younger. I LOVE the beach and my room is decorated to help me "escape"! I have a sliding door that goes out to my backyard which has a pool and all around it are more reminders of my favorite place, Maui! Actually this vintage bathing suit is on an old child's dress form, something that I have never seen since I bought this one years ago at Country Roads. And as you may have noticed in the pixs, I also have some old vintage surfboards in my room, as well as out by the pool. My bedroom has a big open beam ceiling, so I can really get all my treasures in there, like the dress form that is clothed in another vintage swimsuit and swim cap! I posted this dress form not too long ago. I fell in love with it because it use to be a store prop for Catalina swimwear. I'm one of "those" people that believe there are no rules when it comes to decorating your home. I surround myself with the old stuff I love, a bit eclectic in style, but I like that style of decorating. The clock is clicking away, and I need to get out the door to open the store. I'm having a tough time though. I'm sitting here thinking about sitting on the beach in Maui, especially my favorite in Wailea. This time of year the whales are migrating and you can watch them from the shore. Okay, okay, enough as I step back into reality!


  1. What??? YOU??? Eclectic??? Really?:)
    Girl, I love your new pool boy! Let's name him! I vote for Dooby!

  2. OOohhh very Coooll Ms. Sue ..
    LoVe all your naked bodies, and than you get to create again, by dressing them for the BEACH !! How California is that .. Your room does look soo dreamy, and beachy .. Who would want to leave it just to step back into "reality" That is your comfort zone, and time to day dream..I bet it EvEn smells like the ocean .. yummers .. Speaking of work, I better get goin'you have a wonderful, beachy day ~
    hugs ~tanza~

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