
"I Say a Little Prayer For You"

As I was getting ready to write this post this morning, I couldn't come up with a title. Then I thought of the old Dionne Warwick song, "I Say a Little Prayer For You". I'm writing this post to ask for a few of those little prayers. Pictured above are two of our Country Roads family. Robin is on the left, and Christilynn is on the right. And, I have to give a "shout out" (thanks Ellen for that term) to Christilynn. She is sixty pounds lighter since that photo was taken. How you may ask, she swam it off two days a week at the YMCA till she kissed those pounds good-bye! Okay, back to my little prayer thing. Right now Christilynn is in the hospital. She is having some issues with the big "C". Her friend, Robin, just let me know. My heart and prayers go to anyone battling cancer, but this time it is really a tough one. You see, Christilynn doesn't have time to be sick, and she just happens to be one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She has adopted three babies that were born to drug addicted mom's, and is trying to adopt her fourth. To Christilynn, she never sees the whole "color or race" thing, or ever does she pass judgement on others. That is just the way Christilynn is. She has an extremely strong faith and I know this will help her get through this little fight with the Big C! But if you get a chance put in a good word for Christilynn. She has little ones to take care of that need mommy home soon, and for myself, "I Say a Little Prayer For You"! See you soon at Country Roads!


  1. Nobody wants to hear the "C" word.
    Prayers coming her way!!!

  2. Sue, I'm praying she'll be home soon with her babies and that that C would completely go away!

  3. THIS puts the post on my blog today in a different perspective. She'll need lots of "P's" to get through her "C".!

  4. Tell her from me to keep only positive thoughts...don't let the enemy crowd her mind with negativity. I'll be praying hard for her and for God's healing Hands to remove all traces of cancer. Her babies need her...heck the world needs more like her.

  5. Hi Sue
    I will be keeping her on our families prayer list, and her babies. The power of prayer is unstoppable.

    Have a great week

  6. Hi Sue,
    How terribly SaD!! Her children need her home !! I will say a prayer for her as well .. I hate sad news from anyone !! I sure hope her road is short, with a sweet ending .. You have a good week Sue ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  7. Sorry to hear this. Keeping her in my heart. ox

  8. It has been quite awhile since I've been to visit your blog and boy have I been missing out. Just voted for Country Roads as the best in OC without a doubt. Wish I was closer so I could enjoy your shop more. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your sweet friend who obviously is one of the "good ones" out there that doesn't deserve this disease. I'll be back. Loved your recent BSC post. So funny!

    Hugs from Oregon,


  9. I am a breast cancer survivor. Everyday I pray that the cancer is gone from everyone's life. I always write it in little letters to show that we can beat the c! Please know that the power of prayer is ever present. Blessings

  10. shut! I had no idea. I saw her not long ago at CR and she looked so good! I'm sending all my best energy her way!!!

  11. sue, cancer is well known to me. it can be beat. my mom is a living example - miracles do happen. prayers and positive thinking help immensely. i hate the word "cancer" and will do some "p" and "p".

  12. Sue, I will be praying for Christilynn. I hope she will be home soon with her babies. They do need her. sandi


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