
When Boys Become Men

*- I wrote a post about a week ago about Bryce's friend, Matt losing his baby girl. She died at eleven months old. She had muscular dystrophy. The funeral was yesterday, and I think for the first time in my life, I saw two boys, my son and Matt, become men. I can't even begin to tell you the hell those two boys put me through. I remember going to pick them up from jr high school and they would be pushing each other in the street or some other dumbass thing! But yesterday, I saw two boys in a very unbelievable situation as young men. It was a beautiful service. There were pink balloons everywhere, blown up pictures of the baby. It began with a slide show of little Hannah as the song by Roberta Flack played, "The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face". The family's faith gave them the strength to each speak to everyone about what Hannah meant to them. Little Hannah's grandmother got up towards the end and walked over to a Christmas tree. Under the tree were presents that were for Hannah, she died only days before Christmas. The grandmother called up little kids that were there, or their parents, and handed out gifts. As we left, and the Pastor told us which way to leave and we could "pay our respects to Hannah", me being "me", had no idea that little Hannah was there in an open coffin. She looked beautiful, and peaceful but I don't think I will ever forget her little face.

Last night after I got home from work (I had to go back to the store after the service) I was sitting in the kitchen holding Morgan and talking to Justine. I heard Bryce's truck and as I glanced out the window I saw my young men dressed in black, Bryce and Matt, coming into the house. I wasn't sure how Matt would feel, coming home from burying his little baby that was only a few months older than Morgan. He walked up to Morgan and I and extended his arms and said, "come hug Uncle Matt" and he picked her up and did just that, hugged her. Before he left, he sat Morgan back down in my lap telling her that she would be seeing a lot more of her Uncle Matt and kissed her. He told us that he was bringing over some Christmas gifts he had for Hannah, he wanted Morgan to have them. And with that, I watched those two knuckle headed boys I use to know, walk out my front door as young men! As the Pastor told us yesterday, "God reached out His hand for Hannah, and Hannah took it and is no longer in pain". I will always remember that and the day my boys became men.


  1. Hannah's short life seems to have great meaning. Angels never leave us,do they....
    I missed your earlier post..my deepest sympathy to all who loved her.
    Thank you for sharing this story..

  2. Words fail me as I try and imagine what this family has been going through these past few days. I am so proud that Bryce was there to help hold his friend's hand through such a heart wrenching time. I know you are proud as well. It does my heart good to hear of boys being friends into manhood. It speaks volumes of them and the ones who raised them.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!