
Christmas Leftovers

Well,all the packages are open, all the food (and way to much of it) has been eaten, and it's time to move ahead. I look at the picture of Riley above. . . and I look at her last year in this picture that was taken last Christmas. Time, it goes by in "the wink of an eye"! I hope you are all enjoying your family and friends this holiday season. Life keeps us so busy, and passes so quickly. As I get ready to go to work at Country Roads this morning, I will be spending part of the morning away from the store. I'm going with Bryce to the funeral of his friend, Matt's, baby girl that died a week ago today. It makes me appreciate life, family and friends even more this morning. If you have little ones in your life, give them an extra hug or kiss for me today and cherish those wonderful Christmas memories we just celebrated with them! I know I carry those pictures of Riley & Morgan smiling in my heart daily and so appreciate having them be a part of my life!


  1. This was the year that Riley went from being a baby to being a little girl. Once there are little ones in your life, it all just becomes a whirlwind and flies by. Savor the moments.

    Prayers are with Matt and his family.

  2. Isn't it amazing how you family grows by one each Christmas! :)

  3. I think Leonard is smiling as much as Riley in the picture! Old cats are just so regal.

  4. What a wonderful story about the boys, but so many tragedies I'm hearing about lately. So sad and always harder around the holidays.

    Take care,



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