
Steppin' Up Our Game

While many other small businesses this past year have sat and whined, "business isn't what it use to be", Country Roads has just worked harder at steppin up our game! We don't believe in "negativity"! I know that I wouldn't enjoy shopping in a store that was filled with negative vibes. Our Country Roads family stays focused on the positive. I should warn you though, that you might also be exposed to a lot of laughter when you come in the door, as we enjoy laughing. But through the laughter, we always try to greet you. Also, you may be exposed to occasional screams, like this past Saturday when Bryce checked the rat trap. Apparently some poor rat had been "smashed" in the trap. And you all know what happens when the "boys" show the "girls" the dead rodent. In this case, it was Katie's loud screeches. The joys of working with your family. On a serious note, all of our customers really do matter to us. If you don't have customer service, in my opinion, then you don't have a business. We all need to know we are appreciated, especially in business! And our customers mean the world to us, they truly are the best. Please know how much myself, my kids, and my Country Roads family appreciate all of you that visit us at the store, or visit us on this blog. You are all wonderful people. And we hope you have a great holiday season. In case you are wondering, that awesome vintage "Santa sign" above is for sale! The the photos above are pictures of "my boy Bryce's" displays from his spaces here at Country Roads! And yes, all of that great stuff is for sale too. Happy holidays and please know as 2010 rolls around, we will still be working hard on steppin up our game!!


  1. Hi Sue,
    You all are truly the sweetest, BeSt people around !! I was at your store 3 times this week-end !! Everytime someone calls to say, "you wanna run to Country Roads" I'm up for the thrill !! Womderful things all the time !! you are all amazing !! have a wonderful day, hopefully kickin' your feet up a bit ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  2. I knew when I came across your blog that we were on the same wavelength. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And even when it is tough, don't forget the smile. Not only from your mouth but your eyes. Why? Because if feels good.

    Bryce's things are awesome!

  3. I couldn't agree with you more about not wanting to be in a negative environment/shop. Keep up the positive attitude, it's catchy. Even with the down economy, you can still keep an upbeat attitude. And, besides your crew finds the best stuff, so it probably just makes your customers want to keep coming in to see what's new. Early Merry Christmas to you, T

  4. I was at CR today, Sue and all the displays look wonderful! Everybody is doing a great job...thank you so much for having me!!!

  5. Keep it real baby!
    P.S. Bryce has a real feel for the business, doesn't he?


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!