
Christmas Past, Way Past!!

One of my favorite things to pull out each and every Christmas is all the old Santa photos. I have the ones taken when I was a little kid, all the way up to this years photo of Riley with Santa at Disneyland. As you might guess, the first photo was of me. And now my sister, who is three years younger than me, began to appear in "my" Santa photos! No matter how many Christmas' pass, there is just something magical about kids, Christmas and Santa Claus! It is my favorite time of the year!


  1. Love all of them...that first Santa is pretty cool!
    OMgosh...Bryce looks just like you girl!

  2. You know that I'm stealing all three of these photos, right? They are out of this world! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that first photo of you and Santa...the one before your sister butted in! :)
    Your Santas in California look a little different than our Santas here in Texas:

    Santa #1...He is a really beautiful Santa but he looks like Howie Mandell!

    Santa #2...He looks like he is a mobster in hiding!

    Santa #3...Is he related to the first Santa? Check out the nose!

    Yes, I think we have been separated at birth. Look at our hair! :)

  3. I was really "studying" Santa #2 when I was looking at these pixs. I think he has a black mustache under his beard if you look close, definately a mobster!!

  4. Cuties! My mom always dressed my sister and me in the same outfits. I guess it was the thing to do.

  5. I think that first Santa must have scarred you for life. You look petrified!

  6. love them all and sure wish we had Santa pics of all us kids - there were 6 in my family - my older sister, the 1st child, got a 'With Santa' pic .. Momma & Daddy lost interest by the time the rest of us came along - however, the rest of us got a 'yippee-on-a-stuffed-horse/bull' pic - and she didn't - so there ...na na na na ..

    love love love 'with santa' pics in general ..


  7. precious pictures....love them, jules


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