
Preparing For Rachel's Book Signing

"The Boys", Tim & Bryce spent the day yesterday setting up a killer display for Rachel's book signing today. I thought I would show you some of the "really" hard work they Tim & Bryce did yesterday to prepare for this.

It's hard enough to work on anything in the store when you are open with customers. But when you are slammed like we were today on a busy Saturday, it is especially difficult. There were tools, "chandies" and more all over the floor. Things were displayed, and re-displayed till the "look" was just right! And as it neared the six o'clock hour last night, it was time to call it a day and turn out the lights. The finishing touches were added this morning. And "thank you" doesn't even begin to express my appreciation to Tim & Lisa, and "my boy Bryce"!This is what I always talk about in my blog posts, the feeling of "real" family we feel here at Country Roads! Check back tomorrow for a post on the actual book signing itself. And again, my thanks to everyone that is participating in this event today, I appreciate your kindness!


  1. Girl, that isn't boy's work...that's what I call real man's work...he-men for sure!
    If you have the time, let me know how much the books are...I'd love to get one.

  2. Wow, what a beautiful transformation and you've added some real bling to the shop. Glad to hear you had a great sales day. Can't wait to see more... Hope you have a great Sunday, T

  3. Buongiorno Sue, I was so looking forward to this and meeting you. Christie and I are pretty much sick! We are going to miss it. The place looks amazing and you are going to have the most spectacular day with Rachel, everybody was talking about it at the Barn Sale. Ciao Rita

  4. looks amazing! I'm meeting a friend up there today for signing! Erin

  5. This is fabulous, Sue, she ought to feel right at home in these surroundings. Your he-men are real jewels! Looking forward to seeing some great Pix of the afternoon!

  6. Will you ask Bryce if he will be my son for awhile? Please!


    Yes, I'm back!

  7. Love your new look!!!! Or at least it's new to me....BEAUTIFUL. We are thinking of moving to Colorado in a few years.....believe it or not, your place is one of the things I will miss the most.

    Warm wishes,


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!