
Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

We are running behind this year with our Christmas displays and everything that goes with it. We do, however, have garland and Christmas lights up on the building! Bryce just started the front displays so here is peek at some of what he's got done.For over a week now, eight days to be exact, we have been "slammed" meaning we have been incredibly busy and do I need to say how very, very grateful I am? I'm not sure why we've been so busy, but you are hearing NO complaints from me. Although, it has caused us to lag a bit getting ready for Christmas.These displays are by the front door. This "little" door is deceiving if you've never been to Country Roads. We have about 12,000 square feet inside with a big garden area outside in the back of the store.Bryce gave me an ipod that he got for Christmas last year. I have my own, then we have another at the store we use to play music on. I've been burning the Christmas CD's that we have accumulated over the past 17 years into my itunes. One of my awesome customers even loaned me four of his CD's to add to my itunes.I made two playlists of our Christmas music, about 150 songs on each playlist. Then I play them on "shuffle". The songs bring back so many memories working at the store during the holidays. I LOVE music anyway, it's always on wherever I am! And NOW, I can't sync the ipod and I've been trying way too long. I need to walk away, but I have to say its frustrating and even more frustrating that I'll have to ask one of my kids for help! Don't you hate when you can't figure stuff out?I've been listening to my new playlists as I write this blog post. I always love Christmas music at the beginning of the season. As I said above, so many of the songs hold so many special and fun memories for me working with my kids as they grew up at the store all these years, especially during the holidays. Hopefully, we will finish our decorating at Country Roads and I can get my new ipod synced. A day at a time, just a day at a time! Check back for some more of our holiday displays when they are finished! We work fast, so that should be soon.


  1. Great displays, I just love it all. Gots ta get my Christmas music going, it really does change the mood! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. It seems to be sneaking up on us, doesn't it? Y'all have a great time tomorrow. Wish I could be there, I would love to get a signed book for a future giveaway, but it's just a little too far to walk!


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