
This and That

Is it "that" time of year already? I feel like I'm on that hamster wheel of life, constantly running and trying hard not to screw anything up in the process. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that the date of Rachel's book signing has been changed to Sunday, November 15th at noon! Also, we will have her books for sale at the store. They are $35 each. Complimentary refreshments will be served by "Paris in A Cup". My friend Cheryl Turner, who owns the tearoom, is truly a class act as is Paris in a Cup!Christie and I were talking last week about Rachel's book signing and for those of you that are Christie Repasy fans, guess what? Christie will be at Country Roads on the same day as Rachel. If you've never met her, I hope you stop by, she is so sweet and down to earth. You will enjoy talking with her.Last night Old Towne Orange celebrated their annual, "Treats in The Streets". This is a wonderful community event that the City of Orange sponsors along with participating merchants. Little kids are able to go "Trick or Treating" in our quaint little historic area. I remember 12 or more years ago working with so many other great merchants and the City in putting this event together. It is awesome to see how it has turned out. What better way to "give back" than to offer a safe Halloween environment for little kids! That is our own Josalyn above, Yesi's daughter. How did she get to be four years old? I love Josalyn, she is full of "sass", can't you just see that in her little princess eyes? This was Josalyn's first "Treats in the Streets", four years ago as a tiny Minnie Mouse! Where does the time go? These days, it passes just too quickly!!


  1. Hi Sue!
    Wish I could be there to meet Rachel.

    And yes, I think you and I are alot alike, with the workaholism!

    Have a bootiful weekend with those sweet girls, girlfriend.


  2. oh, i love rachel, she signed one of my shabby chic books years ago in santa barbara, and won me over then and there. have fun, wish i lived a little closer....jules

  3. I'm a Christie Repasy fan, don't ya know! Would love to be there and meet her. Rachel too. But Christie definitely! And of course I'd like to meet YOU!


  4. Good gosh a arover! I can only imagine how crowded the store is going to be that day! Wow!!! Girl, I'm more than impressed...I'm bowled over!

  5. Debbie, believe me when I say, "I'm not ALL that"!


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