
Happy Halloween

I use to love Halloween when my kids were little. All the neighbor kids and mom's would get together and walk through the neighborhood to go "Trick or Treating". I remember one Halloween when it rained. So, my neighbor's kids and mine just exchanged candy. That was the worse thing when you were a kid was to have rain on Halloween night! The time and Halloweens pass so quickly. Now my kids are grown and are beginning to have their own kids. This was Riley's second Halloween and her introduction to pumpkins!Last year was the first year Riley really enjoyed the concept of knocking on a neighbors door and getting candy. Riley, Katie, and Vinnie bought my parents house after they died. The same house I grew up in as a kid. And last year was pretty special to walk through the same neighborhood that as a kid I went "trick or treating" at. Talk about memories. Last night when Riley's daddy helped her carve the pumpkins she told him it was "sad"! She is so compassionate. And tonight, after the store closes we will all head over to Riley's house. I will have the heartwarming experience of watching my grandchildren, Riley & Morgan, enjoying Halloween in the same neighborhood I did as a child. We will pass my old elementary school, and I will point at my kindergarten room and tell my babies all the stories of Halloween that happened there. Although Riley won't care, and Morgan is too little to know what's going on, and Katie will probably plug her ears as to not hear the same story again, I will still enjoy telling it. Happy Halloween to you all!


  1. You may not think they're listening, but years from now they'll remember and love you even more for telling the stories of way back when.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!