
The Riff-Raff Room!

As you know, I'm a HUGE Ellen fan. I could never figure out how people got tickets. I would look on the website and it ways had the calendar dates filled with "no available tickets". Then last week, they had three open days. I filled out forms for all three days, not really expecting to hear from the Ellen Show. Then, it happened! On Friday I got a call asking if I still wanted tickets? Of course I did!! I'm going on "stand by" which is in the world famous "Riff-Raff Room". They told me there is a "chance" you could see the show, but if not they would give me tickets for a future taping. So, on November 24th, I'm off to the "Riff-Raff Room" and couldn't be more excited! Thanks to the Ellen Show staff, I appreciate the phone call.


  1. Girl, charm the Ellen folks to the point that they will want you to be ON the show...not just in the audience! :)

    I'm praying for those future tickets!


  2. LOVE Ellen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clara got ONE ticket once, so she passed, she knows better! She can't go to see Ellen without me. You'll have a blast!!

  3. Good luck with those tickets! Remind us when the time gets closer so we can spot you in the audience. Of course, you'd have to wear a red rose in your ear...or a purple and green hat...or a Country Roads T-shirt!


  4. you won't believe this...but i passed on an opportunity to go see Ellen with friends a few years ago...they had so much fun and remind me regularly that i made that silly decision...someone had to pick all the kids up from school....next time...i will call my mother in for help...jules

  5. That is so fun! Keep us posted on that adventure, I love her too, but don't have TV anymore. There are a few things I miss, but not many.

  6. Oh I'm so jealous! I just love Ellen! Have a great time.


  7. Too bad you were trying to keep the conversation with Sign Guy to one words conversation...he deserved a No, Jerk!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!