
Do You Love What You Do?

I really love what I do most of the time. It is great to have a store like Country Roads. I opened it on January 2nd, 1993. And it has been a journey to get to where I am today. I was reading one of Brande's friends, Sandy's blog, this morning. Sandy is a professor over at Cal State University Fullerton. She wrote a post titled "All Out of Love". Basically it is about how discouraging it is to teach with all the budget cuts going on in education system in the state of California. It touched me because I don't think any of us would have ever expected the depth of the economy mess. I hate to see the young people lose "hope" in todays world. Somehow it just doesn't seem fair. Maybe you could stop by her blog and leave a postive comment for her.I love what I do, even in the toughest of times. I have the priviledge of walking in the door of Country Roads and seeing a new Halloween display my son has put together. And is working with your family easy? Of course not. Your expectations are higher, you argue with each other, but at the end of the day you lock the front door and try to leave the not so good memories of the day behind. You are reminded that you all just want the best for business even in this crazy time we are living in right now!And you wake up fresh the next day, unlock the door and get scared shitless by the new Halloween display your son has put together! That's family. Country Roads is a great place if you haven't been to visit us. I'm not saying that because it is our family's business, but because I DO really like it. I get to work with such talented people, and that part of it is truly fabulous. Then we have the "customers"! Our regular customers are the best, they really are. But then there are the others. And for any of you that work retail these days I know that you know what I'm talking about. I had an unusually tough customer week-end. It was like an overdose on negativity, and I have no patience for negative people. I'm pretty use to what I hear out of the mouths of some people, but this week-end it was far more intense. I was told several times how hard it must be for me to have business so slow. I was actually amazed that I heard that more than once. Thankfully, Country Roads has been blessed and we stay busy and positive. No, business isn't like it was a few years back, but is anything in life that way these days? And what was even more interesting was that these customers were saying this to me on a day that we were really slammed, go figure? Little did I know, the best was yet to come. Yesterday this cocky guy walks up to the counter with a really cool, vintage gasoline sign. He lifts the sign up on the counter, points at the price tag of $425 and says one word, "half"? I politely said one word back to him with a smile, "no", and he walked away. I will never understand arrogance and rudeness even after all these years of working retail. It baffles me. And as the day draws near an end, I walk by the Indian in the dental chair once more and I'm scared shitless one more time. I'm a slow learner. And then, Carol walks up to the counter with the above bunny head on "her" head and we all laugh. It reminds me of the real reason I love what I do. It's those precious moments my family, my dealers and all the great customers that put a smile on my face and warm my heart daily. And that is why I sincerely do love what I do!!


  1. I do love what I do! Yes times are....what they are. I completely understand your feelings. Keep positive and for me, creating makes me smile. Ciao Rita

  2. Ha! The line about being scared shitless made me laugh, which I really needed! Thanks for this!

  3. Well, I love what I am NOT doing! :)

  4. That was fun! You have a great attitude! I had a retail store for 18 years so I can so relate.

  5. You betcha I love what I do. If I didn't I would go crazy. There is nothing about this business that is normal or ordinary...including the customers. Hey, it could be worse...we could be in the restaurant business!

  6. People, who can figure them. The Indian...scary yes, but I'm afraid the "bunny head" would have done ME in!


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