
When Little Kids Are Sick

It's always tough when little kids don't feel good. We've been blessed that Riley, at 2-1/2 years old, has hardly ever been sick. Today she spent the day with me. I was getting her all squared away to eat lunch in one of my chairs, rather than at the table because she didn't feel good. As you can see, Riley thinks that's pretty cool. With eyes closed, Riley hugged her Little Einstein Globe. I told her to wish we were in Maui right now, wading in the crystal clear water, and watching a beautiful sunset! By late afternoon, Riley was LONG over due for a nap, especially since she had a cold. I had given her the "binky" which is only for naps. But still, with a bit of energy, she grabbed the binky and another pair of my glasses and was running in circles until I could catch her. About five minutes before her mom walked in the door from work, Riley was sound asleep on me snoring! I didn't want to let her go. Little ones are always so sweet when they are asleep. I'm also thinking Gramma may be going to bed a little earlier tonight!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I am a regular follower of your blog and have not commented before. I don't have a blog an always find it awkward to leave a comment. I did want to tell you how very much I enjoy your thoughtful and inspirational blog every day. I especially loved the blog about the racist who now wants forgiveness. Yu did a wonderful job of conveying what a lot of in this country feel right now. I hope that Riley's cold is better soon, she is a real cutie pie!

  2. Pat. . .comments such as yours, the one you just left, warms my heart. I have this thing in my head that makes me want to write, not sure how to explain it. I guess I see life everyday as a story to be told, the good, the bad, and the ugly! Hope to hear from you more often and thanks for your comment tonight, it means a lot! Sue

  3. I am telling you the truth...Riley gets more beautiful every day!


  4. You have to soak up those precious moments, and hold onto them for eternity. I hope Sweet Riley is better soon.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!