
Garden Talk & Garden Blog

Yesterday, I did some heavy duty gardening out in my front yard. It needed it, and it feels good to work hard at something you love! Above is a vintage french sink that I finally replanted with some sweet peas from Annie's Annuals. I hoping the snails don't return! I felt bad for my favorite mermaid, so I freshened her up a bit with some new plants all around her and some fresh soil as well. My house kind of sits on a curve, so I have a wide front area. This is some empty space that was kind of a mess, so I decided to do some container gardening out of old vintage tubs, etc. I planted two pumpkin vines along with the lavender. The pumpkin vines are for my little Riley and soon to be grandbaby Morgan who will be here in early June. The thing that is cool about pumpkins, is once they start to grow, you can carve into them. And as they grow,the carving will grow with them. Last year Bryce wrote RILEY and we watched her name grow with the pumpkin. This year we will include MORGAN and I'm hoping for bigger pumpkins, and more since I got an earlier start on them this year. These are just some more random buckets I started to plant. I also need to bring home some old picket fence to cover up my neighbors chain link fence! This is a cement heart with my bestfriends name written in cement. It is a reminder to me daily how much Country Roads means to me!

Now, on to my other blog. Actually, it was my oldest daughters blog. Brande owns Johnnye Merle Gardens & Nursery. It sits behind the store and is just a cool little place. Because Brande's time is limited, I'm also posting on the blog as well. On my side bar, you'll see a picture of my mom, Johnnye Merle. Click her on, and you will be on our garden blog. I've done a little slideshow of my gardens here at home because over the years that was where all my plants have come from. It's kind of fun to see how they have matured! I hope you have a chance to visit us often, and leave us a comment when you can, or a plant question. I'm not saying this because it's my kids garden and nursery, it IS truly a unique little piece of paradise in a wonderful setting. Hope you get a chance to stop by!


  1. Love that vintage sink. I do lots of container gardening and love metal washtubs! I went over to your garden blog and checked out the slide show. It was wonderful!


  2. Oh I love those washtubs too. I didn't realize your Brande had a nursery or a gardening blog. You can bet I'll be right on over.

    And don't you just cringe at the sight of a chain link fence? Bleh. Well, with all of the pretty things in your yard, I'm sure that no one notices that thing. Your garden is lovely. I wish I could see it all.

  3. Like Malisa, I love that French sink! Loverly slide show over there on the other blog!

    The Texas Woman

  4. I too plant Big Max pumpkins and write on them. The BM is a dark red-orange and they get large. Pumpkins take large amounts of nutrients and preferably rain water. I'm starting some in my compost pile this year and will be following them on my blog. Hope to see yours growing too.

  5. I am loving the mermaid!!
    I'm sure your yard is nothing short of fabulous!
    How was your Easter? Mine was great...Ryan my oldest son got engaged, we are so happy for him!
    I also got a couple of sweet Christie Repasy's from your store for Easter...Love them!!
    Have a magical day...

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