
Thankful, Grateful, and Appreciative

Today we had a very busy day at Country Roads and I'm exhausted, in a good way! People were buying everything, including furniture. It reminds me to keep the faith in our futures, our situations are temporary, and I have hope that we're all going to be in a better place here pretty soon. I only had a few minutes to take some photos today because we were so busy, but I just wanted to share a few pictures with you. The first grouping is of Loretta Kilheffer's and the last two are of Christie Repasy's area at Country Roads. If you are wondering what the "cat signs" are on the furniture, it means the pieces of have been sold or are on layaway.
As I said, I am really grateful for the support I get from all my Country Roads family. They too work tirelessly to put together awesome displays but also to make their products affordable. If you haven't been by lately, I do hope you stop in a see what we have. And again, thanks to all of you that continue to shop with us. You are the best!


  1. Love that chandelier and moroccan style mirror! And I don't know who thought of that kitty sign, but it is hilarious! Glad you had a busy day...glad furniture is moving! You are so good about sticking to your one post daily goal! Blogger is messing up today for me. I can get on other's blogs, but my pics and posts are not appearing! Guess I will post tomorrow!


  2. I love your shop. So great! It is hard for me to pay attention to the beautiful pictures when those lovealble little creatures are so darling. Both photos of the kids and the shop are divine! Makes me smile.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!