
Take Me Away!

Today was my third day working at the store and gratefully, we were again very busy! I know those of you that work retail will understand when I say all you want to do at the end of the day is to be "taken away", anywhere but there! The public can just be outrageous, and boy, I've got some great future blogs to post if I make the decision they aren't to, what word should I use, "raunchy" to post. Oh those customers, they are so very special! After work tonight I went down to Brande's (my oldest daughter who lives in Seal Beach). We walked down the pier right at sunset, it was beautiful. A reminder of why we tolerate all the other "craziness" of SoCal. Standing on the pier, you could see Catalina in the distance. Brings back those memories of last year, when my buddy Darcy took me over there for my late Christmas present in May and I had to worse hangover I've ever had in my entire life. But hey, it was a great time, thanks Darcy, I think! We left the pier and walked over to Taco Surf, a little hole in the wall that serves cheap, good Mexican food. I always love going to that place, mostly because it's "simple" and relaxing. I'm tired from the chaos and noise and answering so many questions the past few days, so the change was good. We walked back to Brande's and I attempted to pet each cat we saw along the way home. I love animals, something my parents taught me that I taught my kids, and that Riley now has, the appreciation of animals! You know what's nice about my life. . . it doesn't take a lot to make me happy, seriously! And tonight, it was kind of perfect, makes me happy, makes me smile as I write this. There is just something special about the beach, it just "takes you away" from everything.


  1. Oh, my gosh...how beautiful! That sunset...that view! How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place! Crowded...but beautiful! I am glad you took time at the end of the day to relax and enjoy what was left of the day!

    I was so excited to see the Treasure Hunter badge on your site! You are a sweetheart! And, obviously, not too dumb a blonde!


  2. Sounds like my kind of evening! When we can find happiness in the little things there are no limits to our happiness. Petting a cat can increase endorphins, pet pet away! That is why you are so happy!
    Take care ~Jacque


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!