
A Place in the Garden

The other day, I was on overload and wanted to get "busy" doing something I enjoy. My garden has been kind of neglected during the winter months. I didn't have the time to cut my roses back but here they are bloomin! This is the Mary Lou Heard rose, named in the memory of her and her wonderful nursery, Heards Gardens. This part of the garden is actually on the other side of the driveway by the street. We took out the grass, and planted some stuff several years ago, and I do nothing to this! Maybe some water here and there. And my hollyhocks, I love 'em. They always let me know when Spring is on the way, as their seeds blow freely in the wind starting new hollyhocks all over my flowerbeds! The nasturisms are in the same flower bed with this awesome plant that is a Annie's annual that I forgot the name of. I like to decorate my gardens just like my house with vintage finds. This is the footboard of an old iron bed. I use to be able to sit in my adirondack chairs in the garden until the plant that belongs in the Disneyland Jungle Cruise took over! I think its time for some pruning! I love these little, tiny purple flowers that fall over the vintage headboard in the garden. There is something special and relaxing about gardening. Kind of, as my mom always said, "putting back into the earth what we take out"! I've still got the sunflower seeds waiting to be planted with Riley when she comes over. It's tradition, you know. My mom always gardened with my kids, so off course I'm going to do it with my little buddy Riley! Stressed these days? Just find your place in the garden!


  1. Sue, your garden is beautiful! I am envious! It is too damn hot in this part of Texas to garden much! I use to garden in West Texas. But I don't have the green thumb that you obviously have...also I don't like to squat or bend over that much anymore. I have moved to container gardens...less work. Yes, I am lazy. Busted!


  2. If your garden is this enjoyable in pictures, I can only imagine what it's like in person! As Lawrence Welk would say, "Wonderful, wonderful!"

    The Texas Woman

  3. Love all the plants you have!

    Planting sunflowers seeds with kids is the best!

    Enjoy this " springy" day!


  4. Ohhhh...I want to come see these! I lived in Anaheim Hills in the 80's. Used to shop in Old Towne Orange.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!