
Family and Birthdays

Today was Arianna's third birthday. Where does the time go, seems just like yesterday I was at the hospital when she was born. As I write all the time about my family, my family isn't exactly limited to "blood" if that makes sense. The Castillo girls and their family is also MY family. We all have this very close bond that I can't explain accept to say it's about the love. Each year when Ari has a birthday, we go to the historic Hart park in Old Towne Orange. I work, but dash over afterwards, and we celebrate. It's ALL about sugar crazed toddlers, family and tradition. I wish I could really convey what these birthday celebrations mean to me. Riley this year would wear a party hat, she's grown to get into celebrating and knowing that hat is part of it. Azul, who is Ari's brother, was big enough this year to get into the birthday festivities as well! He is growing so much, hard to believe he will be two in July. Nothing like a bunch of little toddlers running around on sugar highs! I personally enjoyed Riley beating her mom, my daughter, Katie over the head repeatedly. And I had to go before Josalyn, the oldest of the kids, almost four, got there. I say this over, and over but my family means so much to me, my Country Roads family. We all work together, we celebrate special occasions together and when you look at the above little faces on the kids, how can I not feel blessed tonight as I go to bed after being able to share and the laughter of a birthday party for little kids. And I think of next year, when baby Morgan will join us. These are the little things in life that fill my heart. That is what life is really all about, the simple things, don't you think?


  1. I see why you love the parties now...the beautiful children! Riley is so precious in her little party hat...beating her mom over the head! :)

    Ellen and Portia were cute today!

    Ooooh, check out my new blog! I will start posting tomorrow! Check out the design and see if you like!


  2. Sorry, I forgot to sign out of my new blog...The Renaissance Chick...and sign back in Moonlight Hollow! It's me!


  3. I love that one of your favorite moments was Katie getting hit in the head by her daughter!

  4. I love that Katie is getting in the head because MY grown kids STILL hit ME in the head on random occassions!


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