
"Un"-Decorating Christmas

Since I was off today, I thought it was about time to say "good-bye" to Christmas. I've got to tell you, "un"-decorating is not nearly as fun as decorating for the holiday. I decided I would take the eight foot Christmas tree out of the house by myself this afternoon. That was probably a mistake, but this particular tree and I never bonded. I remember when I first got the tree. Katie came over and said "something spells like poop", except she used a different word. So ever since then I've been convinced my tree this year smelled! Of course when I decided to drag the big tree out the door, I forgot to empty the water bowl that was attached to the tree, nice mess. Next, having a "blonde" moment, I tried to drag the tree out the door by the top of it. You know, so the whole tree gets stuck in the front door, dandy! As you see above, the tree didn't make it much further than off the front porch, I was over it! There it sat with my holiday penguins looking down on it probably thinking as well, "that tree smells". Above on the left was only just the beginning of those holiday totes that I'm always so excited to see right after Thanksgiving. But for some reason that excitement is lacking right after New Years! So, with another Christmas behind us, a new year ahead of us, all my Christmas stuff I love so much (except the tree) will jingle their way back into their totes into the loft in the garage, and I will, however, have fond memories of this Christmas with the big, smelly Christmas tree!


  1. HAHAHA! The thought of you pulling the tree through the front door the wrong way made me giggle! I got the idea one year to pull the tree through a window close to where the tree was standing instead of getting needles all over the carpet. The tree had no needles left by the time it got to the porch! Not a good idea! When is your grandbaby due? Ours is due May 23. I can't wait! We looked at baby bedding at Canton today. Gosh there are some cute things out there! I think I'm leaving my decorations up another week. My tree is not of the real variety this year. Good luck getting yours all packed up. Have a great weekend!

  2. Sorry you got all banged up by the tree. Neosporene works pretty good. If your granddaughter arrives a little early and mine a little late they might be born on the same day! Our unseasonably warm weather is fittin to change...The high today was in the 80s...but Monday is 30 and sleet. They say if you don't like Texas weather ...just wait a day! Crazy! Layer up to stay warm at your shop! I love CuddleDuds long underware and usually have them on during the winter. (Not today tho!)


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