
Dreams & New Years Resolutions

Katie gave me this picture for Christmas, which by the way looks much better framed than it looks here. And on a side note, I hate having my picture taken so I had NO idea where or when she took the photo. Then it came back. It was Riley's second birthday in August and we went to Disneyland. I can't remember the exact name of the place we were at, I think its "Mickey's Playhouse" over in California Adventure. I was sitting on the floor with Riley and we were looking up as all the cartoon characters we watched together on the Disney channel came out and performed. There were all these little kids sitting on the floor with the same look in their eyes. It's something I'll never forget. What never ceases to amaze me is the "dream" Walt Disney had so many years ago when few others dared to dream back then.

New Year's resolutions are like that in a way. We dream of things each year we would either like to do, like not to do, or change. And then life happens and our time gets away or we get sidelined and forget about our dreams until the next year. For the past five or six years now, I've wanted to write a book. I've had the title for a long time, "Geeks, Freaks, and Antiques. . . the Story of Country Roads". I've never thought I could write a book, but I do see everyday life, people, and experiences as stories just waiting to be told. And for those of us that spend time at Country Roads, there are stories of ALL kinds being made daily. So, I hope I can pursue my dream, my new years resolution and hope there are those of you out there with dreams as well that decide to follow them. All we can do is try. Here's to a 2009 filled with dreams that DO come true.
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  1. Go for it girl! Get started on that book! God's put a dream in your heart...who knows who or how it will inspire or help someone else! "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." He first gives you the desires (puts them in your heart)then He gives you the desires(helps them come to pass). You can do it...Say you can!
    I'll cheer you on!

  2. Wow! like the new look for your blog and I Love the catchy name for your book. I look forward to the day I can purchase one. Happy New year!

  3. Love the picture...the same look of wonderment on both faces...precious! And love your book title...so creative...would grab the reader's attention immediately! Writing a book is a long process...just jump in there and get started...a chapter at a time!

    Like Walt Disney, you, too, can reach for the stars!



Your words are always appreciated, thanks!