
"Awesome Antiques"

For those of you that love country, primitive, real antiques, one of my dealers and friends, Ginny DeRosa, has set up a website/blog. It's awesome antiques: old john deere tractor umbrellaWhat I enjoy about Ginny's site is she tells you some history of the piece, the story behind it or what it may have been used for. I love the photo above, the vintage laundry basket on wheels with just a "touch of pink", and filled with great, old vintage rugs! I absolutely LOVE the old, mint JULEP container. I'm a sucker for advertising pieces and graphics. I've had a love affair with this little piece for awhile now. It's just tough sometimes to justify paying so much for a "shelf piece", although it is truly a one of a kind, something you never see and well worth the money! When it comes to those old country cupboards, Ginny has plenty, and they are all antique, no reproductions here!! The above pictures show us all what our history is about, what our ancestors used in their daily lives. These country primitive antiques are also becoming harder and harder to find. Speaking of history, check out Ginny's site because she is great when she tells you about her own personal love affair with antiques!


  1. Primitives are my favorite, I'll have to check her out.

  2. Love the primitives...are you sure of the spelling of the website? I couldn't get it to go through. Great pool! I bet it's wonderful in the summer too! I can just see you sitting out there with something cold in your hand with your big shades on and your music jammin! Can I book the other chair? lol

  3. nice article upon antiques. This valentine you can gave free antiques jewelry to your love.


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