
"Thank God For Kids"

There is an old Western Christmas song about. . . . . "thanking God for kids"! With Christmas around the corner, and just finding out Bryce & Justine are having a girl, and having my Country Roads family over tonight after work to celebrate Christmas and getting to play with all their kids and Riley. . . .I KNOW that I am truly blessed. The world has been a tough place to live in this past year. But when you look in the eyes of little kids, suddenly everything magically gets a whole lot better. Brande took Riley down to the beach yesterday. It was a COLD beautiful day here, and despite the cold, wide open spaces never make little kids even think about the weather. Since Brande moved down to Seal Beach, the beach has become Riley's most favorite place to go! Just looking at her smile and the freedom of being able to run around in one of my favorite places also, reminds me how "grateful" I am to have the life I do. Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Aren't kids great when they grow up to be your best friends! We always have an amazing time when we all get together! I can't wait till Christmas night...that's when we're doing our "tree". (That's texas for opening packages!) Thanks for the sweet words! It looks like we have a lot in common! I had an antique mall in the early 90's for several years till my son Bo wanted me back home as mommy. I hung it up but vowed to return to shop life one day. Maybe one day soon! Your little Riley is beautiful! I know you will have a great Christmas. From the looks of your pic on the hood of the car I'd say we are close in age too! I grew up in Santa Barbara and my daughter now lives in Sherman Oaks. I'll have to come visit your shop next time i'm out there! We live in NE Texas now. When I first saw your sonagram pic I was looking for 5 babies in there! Wow! Now that would have been a Christmas present! LOL From the happy pics of your family I know you've been blessed. Praying you will find the love of your life in 2009 if that's what your heart desires. Let's keep in touch....
    Christmas Blessings and Hugs!


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