
Girls 4, Boys 1

My son Bryce and Justine went to have the 3-D or 4-D ultra sound today. My new grandchild is going to be a girl! Riley's new cousin that is due in June will be a little baby girl. I'm so excited, being a gramma has been by far, my most favorite thing in life. So now, our Country Roads family will still be filled with little girls (Riley, Josalyn, Arianna, and the new baby) totaling 4 girls, while little Adrian Azul will be the only little guy in the group! I have a feeling, he has a tough road ahead of him!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on another girl! We just found out yesterday too that our son and daughter in law are having a girl. It's our first grandchild and I'm just giddy about it! (see my post from last night) great blog! love the title!


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