
The Old Magnolia Tree

On this 4th of July I am reminded the memories of the old Magnolia tree I grew up with. My folks bought their house brand new back in the early 1950's.  My Dad planted a Magnolia tree in his front yard. I've watched that tree grow my entire life. That is me under the tree when it still was pretty small.

I can't tell you over the years how many pictures have been taken under that tree. My kids were sitting under that tree posing for a picture. I'm not sure "why" this photo is so goofed up though maybe a bad scan awhile back?

After my folks passed away, Katie and Vinnie bought their house, the one I grew up in. It warms my heart to still have the old Magnolia tree in our family. Every 4th of July, Katie's neighborhood has a 4th of July parade in the morning.  The kids decorate their bikes and wagons. I think this picture of Riley on the 4th was taken a couple of years ago as she got ready for the big 4th of July parade. 

The picture above was taken this 4th of July. Riley and Bodhi had just finished up the neighborhood parade. As you can see, Bodhi didn't let a possible broken ankle stop him. Nor did it keep him from striking a "pose"! I have a feeling that my little guy is going to always be a very busy little boy. Tonight we (the family) go to Katie's house to watch the fireworks from Vet's Stadium here in Long Beach. We usually gather at my house during the afternoon and the kids swim. But because of our little boy Bodhi, we changed up the plans a bit. I wish you all a Happy 4th of July. And I hope you are as lucky as me and get to spend it with those you love!


  1. Happy 4th of July to all of you! Looks like you're already off to a great start!
    Love that your dads Magnolia tree is still a part of the family!!
    Sue, I sure do hope you were in the parade this morning!!

  2. Sorry to disappoint, but they're not having fireworks at Vets this year ):

    I love your Magnolia and all it's memories. The house next door sold recently and the new owners cut down the 80 year old Magnolia in the front yard. I shake my head every time I think about it.

  3. Riley's face looking at Body is just priceless!!!! Happy 4th again, Sue!

  4. Sue, such great memories. How the tree has grown, but what amazes me most are Riley and Bodhi's growth! Riley looks leggy! Just beautiful. I love the sound of the neighborhood parade on the 4th. How wonderful that they live in your old childhood home. Ann

    P.S. we are looking at rentals in the Long Beach/Torrance area. Not many affordable ones in Seal Beach, but I keep looking!


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