
CR Variety

The one common denominator that we all share at Country Roads is the importance of "display" and "quality"! We have a wide variety of great vignettes here at my favorite store! Here are a few of the things that caught my eye the other day!

The week-end is just around the corner. If you are looking for something to do, please stop by and pay us a visit at Country Roads. We are open every day from 10am to 5pm!


  1. Hey Sue
    It was great stopping in the shop.
    I love seeing all the variety you have.
    It is always cool to chat with ya at the counter. Glad you were there when I popped in.
    See ya next time

  2. HI
    CR Variety
    i would like to say thank you about this cool post, and this idea very helpful to me and nice article
    Thank You


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!