
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Today I'm joining my friend Debra over on her blog for Vintage Inspiration Friday! It's been awhile since I've stopped by. Time. . .my biggest hurdle in life, has kept me busy. The pictures I've posted are of my family room or living room or great room or whatever you want to call it. It is just one big room that my family hangs out in. When I bought the house, it had horrid stick on tiles on the floor. Thankfully my son had the patience to take them all off. Underneath was a great cement floor! So, we went with it. This room has a lot of vintage and re-purposed furniture in it. The couch above, like most of my things, came from my store, Country Roads. That's one of the perks for me is that I can always rotate my stuff by selling it when I get tired of it. I love the couch and everyone in my family knows that NO feet are allowed on. So far so good!

The pillow above and the pillow below are made from old Army duffel bags! I love the drawings on the one above and all the wear and repair on the duffel bag below.

I abused the table above, I confess! I had my son Bryce cut the legs down so I could use it as a coffee table. It was a killer table before we took the saw to it. But still for me, it is a killer table with the great zinc top!

The legs on it are nice and heavy so it adds to the look with all the old chippy mustard paint on the legs. And with the zinc top it is perfect for my grandkids. There isn't anything they can do to damage it!

The two chairs above actually kind of match the couch although I didn't buy them all at the same time. I have two matching industrial tables like the one you see above. Although they aren't antique, there was something about them that I was really attracted to. I hate when things call my name! It happens all the time!!

The old re-purposed spotlights on old tripods are really popular right now. The one above was made by Bryce who gave it to me this past Christmas as a gift. I love it!

 I love to reuse stuff in ways that your wouldn't normally use them. The old heavy door hinge above is more like an architectural piece to me with all its detail! The old elevator piece above is another favorite. It's got great architectural detail, and don't you ever wish these things could tell us their own story?

Above is another one of my hinges along with a heavy, old architectural top of a rain gutter. It is SO heavy and just has such a great look! With a hole on top, it was an easy  to turn it upside down and use it to display  old brushes.

I've had this old game table for years and years. It is one of those pieces that I would NEVER ever get rid of. I think, or I'm guessing at one time it was maybe a carnival game of some type. It's has great chippy blue paint on it!

And the top of this table has lots of the old zinc and metal pieces that spin. That is why I tend to think with that and the old numbers written on the front of it that it came from a carnival. Again, it truly is a one of a kind piece I could never part with. I always look at pieces like this and know they are so full of history and only if they could talk. . .the stories they could tell!! Be sure to stop by and pay my friend Debra a visit, ok?http://commonground-debrasvintagedesigns.blogspot


  1. Well I'm just crazy for your sofa and those fab chairs! they really fit with the industrial pieces, Sue. So glad you joined in for the party! xoxo

  2. Sue, just gorgeous pics as always. Happy weekend, T

  3. Loving everything Sue!!! You have some amazing pieces and that couch is calling my name:-)

    Enjoy your weekend.


  4. Sue it was so good to see you today! Can't wait to see how the chandy looks at the newlyweds. Love those spotlights and I hope that if we r lucky enough to move this way that I can pick one of those up. Love CRA! Ann

  5. What a fabulous couch! Your home looks wonderful and full of vintage inspiration. Love it. And the pillows out of the old duffel bags are great. I just warmed up my sewing machine yesterday. I have so many projects in mind and like you said, time is the problem. I'm your newest follower and I hope you pop over to Cottage and Creek and follow back. Enjoy your Sunday.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!