
A Little This and That!

I worked at CR yesterday but there just wasn't a lot of extra time for picture taking! It is good to be busy, and I so appreciate the business. Thank you. Since I only had time to take a few quick pictures, I thought I would share them today.

I will be back at CR tomorrow. Not to work (or at least I hope not) but to take pictures for my blog, and my new website that I just can't quite find the time to put our stuff up on it to sell! I'm trying, really trying, so any day now we will begin to sell from it, I promise!


  1. Is that "MY" wall???? LOL!! Looking good!!!!!

  2. It is "your" wall, but not the one by your old space. It is closer to the front. But oh how I miss you and "your wall"!!

  3. It's even better in person!!! I will soon post a picture of the chandelier my son and his wife bought at CRA when we were there. It looks great over their rustic dining table! Can't wait until I can buy "big stuff" at your place! And perhaps have a space of my own to fluff and stock! Ann

  4. Great pics Sue. I just love that exposed wall. It makes a beautiful backdrop.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!