
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" I took some pictures around my house. I'm not sure why, but when I got up yesterday I was just over Christmas! Part of it might be because I work retail. Anyway, I took all my Christmas down including the Christmas tree!! I was over it too.  I dragged it out the front door to the driveway. It was a big tree, but you know what it's like when you are just over something? So, my "White Wednesday" post is just stuff from my family room. I love all the old chippy paint and rusted stuff. It calls my name!!

The two pictures above are from my garden. My lillies are blooming and I always love to have fresh flowers in my house. I think my favorite thing I enjoy is to cut a single rose with some lavender and sit them in my bathrooms. There is just something about fresh cut flowers that make a house feel more like a home! Please join my friend Kathleen who does an amazing job hosting "White Wednesdays". I always enjoy her featured blogs as well. I wish you all a Happy New Year and may this new year of ours bring peace and joy to all!


  1. love your pics for White Wednesday, funny I just posted I just got into the holiday spirit. your pics are quite lovely and refreshing!


  2. I agree.
    I started taking all the xmas down immediately.
    I just want a clean home and all the extras put away.
    I want to go into the new year fresh.

  3. Great photos Sue. Love that first shot. I'm putting away all but the tree. My kids like to wait till New Years Eve to take it down.

  4. I love all your architectural pieces! I can't wait to take down my tree also! karen...

  5. Sue, thanks for posting some of the best white Wednesday post. Here's to a great new year my friend, T

  6. You have wonderful chippy white treasures and such an great way of putting it together!
    I hear ya on being over it...that is what happens when retail starts so early.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Sue, love all your treasures especially the way you display your pictures. Your lilies are gorgeous and I have to agree with you that fresh flowers in the house make it feel more like home. Ann


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!