
The Christmas Countdown

The good news for me is that all my Christmas shopping is done. I did most of it online which not only saves me time but money. I don't have the temptation to buy something for myself as well as others!

This is one of my favorite little people! It's Josalyn, Yesi's little girl. And Santa Claus stopped at her house early to drop off her gift! She got a puppy and I have to say, I'm not a big fan of little dogs, but this little dog, now named "Roxy" by Josalyn is the cutest puppy ever. I know Josalyn is having Roxy withdrawals at school today and will be anxious to get home to her!

Country Roads has great gift ideas. Like this vintage spotlight lamp. What a great gift it would make for some lucky person, like me! Just in case Bryce is reading my blog!! And we now have shipping available for big items if you ever see something you can't live without. Just call us at 714.532.3041

I love these Christmas stockings that Melinda made and has for sale at Country Roads. The detail on them is amazing and they are really beautiful!

This old door caught my eye yesterday. It is an awesome door in perfect condition. I try to not look at it each time I walk by!

I had dinner on the patio of the Filling Station, here in Old Towne Orange last night with my good friend Mike! It was chilly out but the patio tables have little fire rings on them which was really cool. Or at least it was cool until the fire went out and they didn't have anymore propane and then it WAS really cold. I often forget about all the awesome architectural details we have on the buildings in Old Towne which was established in the late 1800's. It's nice to see a City preserve and appreciate history! This was my view from my patio table at dinner.

I've been lagging on my Christmas decorating. I have no idea where the time goes??? I just know that I am always so damn busy. I came home last night after a "full" week-end of working at Country Roads. I'm sure you noticed the "full" moon so you can imagine my week-end. I wish I had time to share some of those oh so special moments! I pulled in my driveway last night after working a long, hard, cold week-end, and Brande put up my Christmas lights for me! What an awesome surprise!!

I haven't done much decorating inside yet. I did pull out my mom and dad's old  Santa collection. There isn't really anything special about them, and I'm not all the excited by them. But they are the ones my mom and dad put out each year. With both of my folks gone, its nice at the holidays to have little things to remember them by. Even if they are goofy Santa's! And I HATE the yellow paint on my walls. It's been on my list of things to do for the past six years or so!

This is my little snowman collection. Some are old, some are new, and yes, some of them belonged to my mom and dad. I hope some day that these might find a place in one of my grandkids homes.

This old guy above is one of my favorites! He was from an Old Kentucky Bourbon display. I just love him and I smile each time I walk by him. He's got such style!!

My perfect Christmas tree. I had a crooked tree last year. This year I went back to my favorite tree lot and got this one. Actually he looks nice as is. My hopes though are to get him decorated before Christmas.

Brande also brought down all my Christmas totes from the garage. I really need to go through them. I imagine I could do some thinning out of all this stuff! Thankfully I have a store to sell the stuff I don't want anymore.

Since I shopped online this year, I have plenty of boxes to put the presents in. I also bought wrapping paper and have plenty of it. Now, if I just had plenty of time to do these things, life would be good!!

And lastly, I bought three "industrial" Christmas stockings from Debbie at the store. I call them industrial because of the metal numbers. She didn't have letters, so I chose my grandkids birthday months. As you know, Country Roads has something for everyone! Stop by and see for yourself!


  1. Oh what cute puppy!!! Tell Yessie she can adopt me for Christmas! :)
    What a wonderful daughter you have Sue to put up your lights! Your house looks just beautiful! And I love your stockings that you got from Debbie, the metal numbers on them are great!
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Sue this post is amazing.
    I hope santa, aka Bryce gets your light for you ;)
    what a great family you have, they know you work so hard and its nice they help you out.
    I think that is what I love about old towne, the history is saved as much as possible. It is such a quaint place to visit and stroll thru.
    Happy Holidays

  3. Your favorite snowman from the Old Kentucky Bourbon display has had a bit too much bourbon! Did you notice? I think he peed all over himself! Your tree looks great and those "industrial" stockings are kick ass! Can't wait to see your tree decorated!


  4. I cant believe you are all done with your shopping! Geez..things have changed since I left! LOL!! I think that just for that you need that light...hope Santa Bryce reads the comments too!!!


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