
The Alameda Flea Market

Bryce headed up North this past Saturday night for the Alameda Flea Market that is held on the first Sunday of every month. It has been cold down here in Southern CA, so I can only imagine how cold it was up there. Especially since the flea market sits right near the water. I believe that is the San Francisco skyline in the background. It looks so pretty, and as I said, I know how cold it was, especially early in the morning!  Below are a few of  Bryce's displays he set up.

I believe he did pretty well, which I'm happy for him. The worse part is going to all the trouble to unload, set up, and then if you don't sell much, you've got it load it all back up again. I'd love to get up there one day. But until then, I live through the pictures!


  1. I am with you Sue,
    I would love to get up there one day :)
    I know the hard work it takes to do this. I used to do a flea back home all by myself and it was tiring, back breaking work, but I loved it!

  2. What cool looking merchandise--thanks for sharing.

  3. What great stuff! I'm sure he was quite successful - such hard work. Ann

  4. I'm writing my Santa letter now. I'm listing everything in Bryce's booth! Everything! Did you hear me, Bryce? Everything! Aunt Malaysia wants everything!

    Sue, we will go to the Almeda Flea Market together!



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