
There's Always Variety at Country Roads

The one thing I love about Country Roads is that you can walk down any aisle and no two spaces will look alike. There are so many different looks, and those different looks? They are always changing. I can't tell you how many times I've had customers tell me that they saw something they liked and came back a day or two later and it was gone! Here are some random photos of things that caught my eye the other day.

We have been super busy this week. I know on Wednesday when I worked, I came home and went to bed shortly there after! It's nice to be so tired from something you love doing. I hope you have some time this week-end to stop by and see us. Johnnye Merle's Garden just got an order in from Annie's Annuals. And my Country Roads family has been busy re-stocking! So we are set for the week-end. Take care. 


  1. These displays would have caught my eye too. I love the Christmas vignettes.

  2. You should have a sign in the front of the store? "Grab it while you can and don't tell me I didn't tell you so!" LOL!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!