
The Magic Touch!

Cyndy and her side kick, aka her husband, Bill, truly have the magic touch when it comes to display! They have a lot of real estate here at Country Roads. All together they have four spaces, and two of them are really good sized. Without fail, you will see Cyndy quietly working away one to two days a week on each of her areas at Country Roads. But what you may not notice is her vignettes that fill each and every space of hers. I thought I'd share some pictures of her latest make over!!

Do you see what I mean? And this is only one of her four spaces. Cyndy's other space is all white. A complete contrast to her darker colors in the pictures above. I hope you have time to stop by and see us this week-end. Fall has definitely announced its arrival with a few showers and cooler than normal temperatures. In case you forgot, we are open every day at 10am! See you soon.


  1. love her display of the xmas tree!
    and the equestrian spot is so nice
    Horses are so in right now, i am sure that display won't last long.

  2. I agree they do have the magic touch!!

  3. Wowee! Lots of cool goodies! I need that jingle bell collar to put around Lurch's neck so I can keep up with him! :)


  4. Cyndy and Bill really do have the
    "Magic Touch" every one of their
    spaces is always a treat for the eye!! The displays are always wonderful!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!