
"Design on a Dime"!

Remember that show on HGTV, "Design On A Dime"? After Bryce, Justine, and Morgan moved out a month or so ago, I wanted to do something with Morgan's little bedroom. I wanted to do something that wouldn't cost me much. So, I decided to take all the toys out of the family room, and out of their other hiding places and make a playroom for my little grandkids. I was going to paint, but for now as busy as I always am, I skipped it. Sorry Bodhi, but the color is NOT pink, it's coral!  I think the only things I bought for the kids room was the little mirror above and I ordered cheap posters online. Here's what I put together really cheaply and with lots of stuff I just "had" around the house! All the Tonka trucks below belonged to Bryce when he was a little boy. Yes, I have saved them all these years, and yes, I am sentimental! I don't even know if they still make the Tonka trucks out of metal. 

The kids room still isn't done, but at least it is started and they can play in there, and it was cheap to do! The truck above, "Texas Crude" was one of the first gifts my Mom bought for Bryce after he was born. That and his little cowboy boots! Her dad use to drive an oil truck in Temple, Texas. Family. . .I know how blessed I am to have the family that I do! I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! And remember, it's not about "what" is on the table, but "who" is sitting around the table!!


  1. Oh what lucky kiddos!!!! I wish I had a spare room to make a playroom for my boys!
    You did a great job Sue. Everything is so bright and cheerful and perfect for the kids.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  2. Oh those lucky grandkids! What a great space and yes, I remember that show and loved it! I love the bedspring picture holder. Fantastic job Sue. Hope you have Thanksgiving off, I know you won't the Friday after! Ann

  3. Great space for the kiddos and a way to corral all the fun stuff! Wishing you and your family a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, Sue! xoxo

  4. As cute as that room is, I am a little disappointed that you didn't turn that room into Malaysia's bedroom! Sigh. Those darn cute kids always win out! :)

    I must admit that I had to laugh out loud at one of the photos. I think it is photo number 8. I thought that the dinosaur's neck was a cat's butt. I thought that was so funny, then I realized that it was my mistake. My bad!



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