
White Wednesday at Country Roads

This week I'm once again joining my friend, Kathleen, for "White Wednesday"! And this week, I'm also showing you some of my very favorite "whites" from Country Roads!

I am, sincerely, one of the luckiest people I know, to have the job that I do! I'm surrounded each time I go to work by great displays and wonderful merchandise. There first group of pictures are courtesy of Debbie's awesome magic she performs each time she puts a killer display together. And the last few pictures are combination of not only Debbie's talents, but Kate's magical touch as well. This is one of my favorite times of the year, Fall! I hope you are all enjoying the changes our seasons are bringing us. Take care. 


  1. You do have an awesome job, Sue...although not an easy one my friend!! LOL!!
    Thank you for visiting me today, I was surprised to read about the kids moving out. Even though I know you will miss the little one, you also deserve some peace, right????

  2. Thank you Sue! Loving what I get to do with my spaces at CR and thank you soooo much for putting up with you know who...LOL!!!
    Hoping you are getting some rest and enjoying your days off!
    See you soon!

  3. Awesome photos...as usual! You've been taking place in White Wednesday for at least a year now and never run out of cool displays to photograph!



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