
White Wednesday at Country Roads

It really feels like Fall here in sunny SoCal! We had a little rain this morning, and this afternoon there is a nice breeze coming off the ocean. I love this time of year. Today for "White Wednesday" I'm posting some pictures I took very quickly yesterday. It definitely is feeling and looking like Fall here at CR! 

The above picture really doesn't "go" with the White Wednesday post. This is my new project. I rented my other space, and made the decision to take a bigger space. That decision also included to bring in my red and yellow cabinet. I really like it, but lately I've been over "stuff"! Need a bit more room in my house. Along with the cabinet, came lots and lots of yelloware that I need to price. Sometimes I wonder "why" I cause myself so much work! Please go visit my friend Kathleen over at Faded Charm. You will not only fall in love with her blog, but her featured weekly blog as well. Hope all of you are enjoying Fall. And yes, before we know it we will be knee deep in the holidays!! Take care.


  1. Great mixture of textures and tones here. Very nice.

  2. As always Sue...just beautiful!
    Thank you for your sweet comment. It was much appreciated and passed on to Jenn.

  3. Fall never looked as good as it does at Country Roads....great photos Sue.

    Good luck with your new booth:-)

  4. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful photos! Those are some of my favorite spaces to visit when I'm in the store! I love your new space, I can't wait to come in and take a look at all of your treasures.
    Hope you have a great day.

  5. Loving the Vision in White at Country Roads... always so inspiring to visit your Posts!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. Oooooo! beautiful groupings, I especially love the ruffled ironing board, yes, stuff can be a problem, I am trying to organize and declutter, however fun holiday preperations are getting in the way!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!