
Vintage Storage

I know I'm not alone when I talk about having too much stuff or needing things to store my stuff in. Rather than go out to Ikea or some container store, sometimes vintage stuff works a whole lot better. Plus, I think you get an added bonus of investing in vintage versus something brand new. Below are just a few ideas for any of you looking for storage solutions!

I have to say that the above pictures are only a small selection of what we have available in regards to storage solutions! If you are headed of to the container store or Ikea, stop by and see us first. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find and the price as well!


  1. So cool! So much better then Ikea.

  2. hah...I do..sort of!! you are just a couple hours way!!!
    well..i'll just have to save a bit and make a trip out!

  3. I'll take ALL of them! Every last one of them! I would have a hard time deciding which one to buy. Maybe I will just charge them all! :)


  4. I have a soft spot for vintage storage, any kind!! Yesterday went to a sale a brought home about 5 old drawers, so much fun!!!! Thank you fro visiting and putting up with my Spanish posts, Sue. Hope they don't bore you too much!!!

  5. Thank you,for the eye candy I needed that! :O)


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!