
Happy Halloween!

Today is the best day ever, especially if you are a kid! Above is a picture of my kids back in 1989 on Halloween!  For me, it is just such a fun night to be with your family and kids. Below are some Halloween pictures from last year. We had such a good time!

 It's funny how much the kids change. We always go over to Katie's for Halloween. She bought my parents house after they died. It was the house I grew up in. So it is really fun to take my little grandkids "trick or treating" on the same streets that I spent my Halloween's on! I hope you all have a great Halloween!


  1. Have a Happy Halloween Sue. Thank you for coming by, I wrote my post in English because I knew you would!! Have fun with the little ones tonight and don't eat too much candy! LOL!

  2. Bodhi is going to have SO much fun tonight! I can't wait to see photos of your beautiful girls and curly-hair boy in costumes!


    Thinking of your kids today...

  3. Have fun Sue! Can't wait to see their costumes this year. Ann

  4. How adorable! I hope they have great fun this year!

  5. I know your family will have tons of fun...especially the kidlets!
    Happy Halloween...

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