
The Dealer Shuffle

This was one of the busier months with dealers shuffling around inside Country Roads. I happen to be a part of it. The hard part for me was that Bryce is so busy, and I'm so busy, time is hard to find. Bryce helped me empty the space I was in really quick, so a new dealer could move into where I was. I LOVE this space, but just haven't had time to work on it. I spent a little time yesterday morning while we weren't too busy trying to put together some of the stuff.  Bryce helped me move some of the heavier stuff around. The wall with the plywood still has to be done and I still have more stuff to bring in. But hey, it's a start!

One of the reasons that I love this space, is the window and my Ruthie use to be here while she was a dealer at Country Roads. This part of the store use to be called, "Back Door Cottage", Ruthie's name for it. And her "green" is still here. I wouldn't change it for the world. Things happen for a reason, and I think I was meant to be here. I still have a long way to go with more stuff to bring in and price and we've got to fix the wall, but with "time" it will all come together. Again, "thank you" to all of our customers that kept us busy over the week-end. We appreciate each and everyone of you!


  1. It's looking really good Sue! Isn't wonderful the way things work out and how you ended up in the same spot your Ruthie was in?!!
    Hope you have a great week.

  2. Sue, so glad you got Ruthie's old spot. I am loving that Bon Ami crate with the chicks - so wonderful.

    I am gearing up for my first venture into having a booth (for one day) here in Orlando at an annual flea market outside our smaller version of CRA. Your posts have always helped me see what I might one day do. Especially if we make the move to CA.

    Hope your special space works magic for you! Ann

  3. Hey you found our other 2 white corbals that came off the shelf in the other booth.i was looking for them to hang the shelf back up. Can you throw them in there. :)Your new space looks great
    thanks Jamie

  4. I kept asking myself, "are these mine". I don't remember them but I priced them. I'll put them in the proper space with the proper number on them ;0)

  5. It's looking good Sue. Wish I could say the same for my space at W&T's. Right now it's one hot mess and I've got to get my rusty dusty in there to straighten and restock.
    There's just no rest for the wicked...and I guess we are just the wickedest!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!