
CR Eye Candy

Even though Country Roads is my store, I do have to say what I absolutely LOVE about it is that we have such of variety of stuff. And most of this "stuff" is displayed in really creative ways. There isn't a day that goes by that there isn't a new vignette somewhere in the store! Here's a sample of our eye candy below.

For those of you that don't live in the area, if I get all my homework done and to my web guy, "Country Roads Online" should be up and running within a month. And what does that mean? You will be able to go to our website and "shop until you drop" over the internet! I'll keep you posted on our progress. Have a wonderful Fall day!


  1. That is awesome Sue!!! What an exciting thing to be able to shop Country Roads on-line!!!
    How will it work? Will you just add a few things from the store on-line?
    I can't wait to see it!!
    Thanks for featuring my booth in one of the photos! I am so thankful to be apart of Country Roads, truly!!!
    Have a beautiful day.

  2. Girl, I like chocolate candy, hard candy, pecan candy, praline candy, but especially your eye candy!



Your words are always appreciated, thanks!