
Come Shop With Us!

Since I don't have a lot of extra time this morning, I thought I would show you, through my pictures, why you should come shop with us! There are so many reasons, but one is that we have variety. Because of the size of Country Roads, we are able to have a little bit of this and a little bit of that! What I mean by that is pictured below!

Yes, we even carry the "Chalk Paint" by Annie Sloan that everyone is talking about. I told you we have a little bit of everything! We are having such great Fall weather this week-end, I hope you have time to get out and enjoy it. And while you are doing that, hopefully you will have some time to stop by Country Roads and see us! Have a great Sunday.


  1. Looks wonderful, love all the eclectic randomness of Country Roads!!! Such wonderful merchandise in every nook and cranny. Wishing you and your Country Roads family a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Sue, I hear such great things about the chalk paint and can't wait to try it out myself sometime. Ann


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