
White Wednesday

Oh where, oh where does the time go? I'm serious. I've been meaning to post, and I think the last day I got around to it was Sunday morning before I left for work! I've been busy around the house lately. I've decided that I just have too much stuff, so I've been taking bits & pieces into Country Roads lately. A little less stuff, and a little bit of extra cash seems to be working for me. For this "White Wednesday" I quickly took some random pictures around my house. You know "that" house! The house with too much stuff!

That's Morgan above and apparently I was in the way of her watching Olivia when I was taking a few of my pictures this afternoon. She wasn't too happy about that either! I hope you stop by and see my friend Kathleen since she is the one that puts together our "White Wednesdays"! She also features a blog each week and I have to tell you, I haven't been disappointed yet. Take care.http;//www.fadedcharmcottage.blogspot.com


  1. Well, you have the perfect post for Kathleen's "White Wednesdays".
    It is so hard to part with things we've found and brought into our homes. I love your sofa and that cute little sweetie pie named Morgan makes the room absolutely glow!

  2. Lots of wonderful white stuff !Sometime you have to get rid of stuff so you have room for more ! It's all about the stuff , and the grandbabbies .

  3. Love the shot of Morgan she is a doll. Hmmm I did not see a pic of that laundry cart you took from me LOL Hope that you are enjoying your days off see you soon at our favorite place.


  4. Hey Kate. . .at least you still got a little laundry cart. And actually Stacey brought another one in at the end of the day for Katie! I LOVE mine!


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