
Another Saturday Morning

Here I am on another Saturday morning and I am still continually amazed at the passage of time! Country Roads is slowly shifting some of its merchandise over from Summer into Fall, Halloween, and yes, we've got some Christmas too! My favorite saying is "in the blink of an eye"! It seems time and my life seem to pass that rapidly. This morning, before I head out to "the store", I thought I'd share just a very small portion of all the wonderful things we have at Country Roads right now. 

We are having great Fall weather right now. It's a good day to be out and about. I hope you find some time to stop by and see us. As many of you know, you can lose yourself in 12,000 square feet of wonderful things! I hope you are in the mood to get lost this week-end doing something you enjoy.


  1. I hope you have a wonderful day at work Sue. Who wouldn't want to look at such goodies all day.

    Enjoy your nice weather too:-)


  2. What can I say?paradise found and I can only realist that life is unfair...you Are too far away from me.Will comfort lysrør with your pictures :/

  3. What wonderful eye candy! I am really going to have to pay a visit to Country Roads in the very near future. Hoping you and your crew have a fantastic weekend.

  4. Sue, I've always been in love with Country Roads! Now that I'm a part of your family...I'm seriously blown away...I can't seem to stop shopping! There are so many incredible treasures just waiting to be found!
    See you soon!

  5. Thanks so much for all the inspirations!! and sharing great music too :)


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!