
Why I Slept Good Last Night!!

Two days a week, Riley and Bodhi come over and I watch them while Katie works. These are really busy days. When Morgan is home, she joins the gang and then everything gets going. Yesterday, Bodhi got into the big utensil drawer. The knives have long ago been put away to unreachable places. But there were a few  utensils that also had to be relocated today! The kids had fun playing with the ones I left them have.

Bodhi will seriously fight going to sleep no matter how tired he is or how badly he needs a nap. Yesterday I almost had to pin him down to get him to fall asleep. And thankfully he slept for a long time! Morgan and Bodhi are only a year apart. Riley will be five on the 26th of this month. Not sure how that happened. She is so excited about kindergarten. Riley is also a really big help with her brother. He is one busy boy. And I wondered "why" I slept so good last night!!


  1. I know exactly how you feel! I just have 2 and I'm exhausted by the end of the night. Who am I kidding, I'm exhausted all of the time! :) But I love it anyway! Your kiddos are so sweet. I saw Riley and Bodhi on my way out of CR on Sunday and they were just going in. I wanted to stop and say "hi", but thought your son-in-law might think I was a weirdo. But they were even more adorable in person!!
    Have a wonderful weekend at CR.

  2. They are so flippin cute!
    I am coming to visit your store for the first time today, can't wait. Some friends and I are having a girls field trip and CR is the destination! karen...

  3. first I have to tell you that when the kids popped up on the screen brooklyns reaction was "aawwww, hi kids" and with each picture scrolling the awww's got bigger. LOL

    Look at how they have grown.
    Bodhi's hair is soooo cute full of curls.
    What is it about that utensil drawer that kids get so excited over? Brooklyn is always carrying around a whisk.

  4. Beautiful children! I'm sure you are proud. I saw a post about your shop and just wanted to say how I enjoyed looking at the amazing things you have. Have a great weekend with the kidos. Shannon

  5. Sue, they are all so adorable. Bodhi's curls!!!!! They are super lucky to have such a great grandma. Ann


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