
Sunday Morning Randomness

As many of you know, business the past few days has been all over the place. But thankfully, it has kept us busy! You never, ever have any idea what your days will be like at Country Roads.  For example, last Tuesday, we were beyond busy. It was amazing. And the same thing happened yesterday. It's great when "the store" gets a little crazy and we are all running all over the place. It's hard to put into words, but it's like a rush. You adrenaline starts pumping, and you don't stop till you go home. For that, I am truly and always grateful. Here are some pictures that illustrate the variety of things we now have at Country Roads! And remember, this is just a super small selection!!

Today should be fun. The moon was SO full and bright last night. It was like a spotlight shining through my bedroom window. And after all it is Sunday, so please, come on down and enjoy your day with us. Our "BSC" Sundays can be a lot of fun, especially with a full moon.  I have a feeling it will be a very special day!!  As Rachel Ashwell says, 


  1. oh I would like to sit outside with popcorn and watch the movie that will play out in your shop today, lol
    FUll moon and BSC Day, yikes
    Hope you make it through :)

  2. So happy to know you guys are busy! Great photos!


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