
Chandi Love At CR

One thing we have a lot of at Country Roads is chandeliers! We have all kinds of shapes, sizes, styles, prices and more. As I was walking through the store this past week-end, I was noticing not only how many that we have, but the variety of styles and prices as well. Here are just a few that caught my eye.

I am very fortunate that my Country Roads family seems to have a never ending supply of these chandi's that so many of us love. And what you see above, well, it is just a small portion of what we have. I hope you all enjoyed your week-end. We are open seven days if you would like to stop by for some "chandi love" of your own!


  1. wow sue, your dealers always have the best finds! Love all the different styles, XO Christie

  2. GREAT post ! Chandeliers can be the icing on the cake when it comes to finishing your room. It is nice to know that Country Roads has such a large selection!! Have a great day.

  3. It took me a long time, but I'm visiting you Dear Sue!! Life's been busy but of so fun!! I promise to visit often and enjoy all the gorgeous Country Roads yummyness!!!

  4. Talk about light of my life...these are fab!

  5. I loved drooling over all the chandy's there, lots to choose from!

  6. Even though I already have more Chandies than one can hang in any one Home *winks*, there are several here I'd be hard pressed not to want to acquire! I now have Chandies just laying in vignettes, no more ceiling space! *LOL*

    Dawn... The Bohemian


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