
White Wednesday

While my oldest, Brande, is over in Europe touring with Arcade Fire, I am taking care of her apartment. It's in  Old Towne Seal Beach, right across the street from the beach. So, on this "White Wednesday" I thought I would share some of the whites from Brande's place. It's funny as I look at these pictures. So many of these things we've all had and rotated in my family. The big vintage fireworks banner came from Chris Nickoloff a long time ago when she was at Country Roads. And for those of you that know Chris, we sadly lost her to cancer at much too young an age. Below are some random photos I thought I would share with you on this "White Wednesday"!

As I look at these pictures, it's funny how much of my stuff I see. And there are a lot of my Mom's, Brande's Gramma, Texas roots in these pictures! Myself and my "kids" always rotate stuff. But the one rule that you can never, ever break is you are not allowed to bring someone else's stuff into Country Roads and put a price tag on it. That is a huge no-no! Actually, I'm thinking about heading back to Brande's and going to the beach. We are having awesome weather right now. Be sure to stop by Kathleen's beautiful blog and not only visit her, but all the other great "White Wednesday" blogs listed there. Have a great summer day!!


  1. Great apartment! My girls would love it!

  2. I love all the different vintage items in Brande's apartment and what a great spot to live:-)


  3. Wow Sue..she is evey bit as talented as you are!!

  4. Every spot of Brande's pad is styled just as I imagined. My favorite part if the photo of you holding her melted my heart.


  5. I agree I love all of the vintage items! She has it decorated just beautifully.


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